Designed for Travelers, by Travelers.

Welcome to Anywander.

We are a Travel Media brand specialising in Travel Guides and Inspiration

From curated travel guides to intriguing lists to the latest travel news articles, our passionate team of travel fanatics prides itself on sharing unbiased, fact-led travel writing to help you make the most of your adventure. We believe traveling should be a fundamental right for everyone, but we also understand travel’s impact on the world. That’s why we only select sustainable, ethical travel options in everything we do.

We’re a team of travel writers, journalists and passionate explorers who have collected thousands of destinations between us. We want to create a space where travel stories, tips and candid advice can be shared and found with ease.

We’re also keen to shout out the very best experiences, services and organisations, as travel simply doesn’t happen without great partners or products to get you there.

The Anywander Core Values

Unbiased Information

Expect honest, clear and fact-led writing, all built around our own experiences or in-depth research.

Sustainable and Ethical Travel

All of the things we talk about are picked based on ethics and sustainability, rather than profit.

Travel for Everyone

Our brand welcomes everyone on earth, and the things we choose to write about must match that too.

The Anywander Team


Phil Brown

Founder and Lead Editor

Phil is a copywriter turned digital marketer with an unhealthy addiction to travel. 2024 will see Phil visit country number 60, with a long way still to go…


Want to work with Anywander?

We’re always looking to work with travel brands, including hotels, flight providers, travel product creators, influencers and publishers. If you like what you see, or wish to promote your product or service across the Anywander network, then share some info and we’ll be in touch!